ECBA Council Meeting 9/2017 in Ibiza
Dear ECBA members, the next ECBA Council Meeting will be held on the island of Ibiza (Baleares, Spain) in September, Thursday 21. (evening) to Sunday 24. (night).
Arrival: Thursday early evening/Friday early morning • Departure: Sunday late night/Monday morning
There will be three half days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) of the official meeting, a ship excursion to nearby small islands on Saturday and an excursion to the Salinas of Ibiza on Sunday and off course some other nice activities.
ECBA is collaborating in Ibiza with local organizations, local authorities and the Spanish Chamber for Biologists (COB.ES and COB.IB). Local environmental associations and the Nature Protection Authority IBANAT as well as COB.IB will present their acitivities during our Council meeting and will guide us during the excursions.
We will also have some nice dinners (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and an official reception by the Conseill Insular (regional government) is planned.
Besides these activities, we have a strong working agenda, focussed on the new constitution of ECBA and restructuring ECBA´s network in Europe.
Please notice that every delegate has to sign in our registration form below!
Attached you find the preliminary program and also a few informations about our meeting.
Looking forward to meet you in Ibiza!
Best regards,
Harm Jaap Smit & Peter Niesslbeck
Planning Committee for ECBA Council Meeting