This is ECBA
This is ECBA
ECBA is the European Countries Biologists Organisation, and serves as an overarching organisation for biology organisations in European countries and biologists.
ECBA members are active in the European countries in diverse fields as science, education, industry, governement and free professionals.
The aims and objectives of ECBA are:
- To represent the professional interests of biologists in European countries
- To enhance the professional competence of biologists in European countries
- To provide information on professional matters concerning biologists
- To promote co-operation between national biological associations throughout Europe
- To facilitate the free movement of biologists within European countries
- To promote the exchange of those teaching biology in all types of educational establishments
- To promote the essential role of biology in the education of the public To advise the European Union and the public in general on biological issues of public concern.
Professional title ECBA issues a European Professional title in biology, named EurProBiol.
This pan-European professional title has an entry requirement agreed by the national biological associations in ECBA, and can be awarded to suitably qualified biologists in any of the participating countries. Ideas bank ECBA organisations in European countries are different in size, position in society and level of activities. Therefore, member organisations in ECBA can benefit on the experience from other countries. We share this experience via internet, regular meetings and personal contacts.