The Netherlands
The Dutch Institute of Biology was founded in 1982.
Today the NIBI represents over 5500 scientists, teachers, entrepreneurs, policymakers and students in the biosciences.
The NIBI is the central organisation for biologists in the Netherlands. It supports the development of biological knowledge, improve biology education and stimulate the application of biological knowledge. She encourages societal awareness of biological sciences and career opportunities in the biosciences.
The NIBI aspires to participate in science education and commerce by (co) developing initiatives and stimulate her members to participate. In doing so she also tries to influence policies and increase societal awareness.
The NIBI hosts the BioScience Forum; where decision makers from industry and science meet regularly. It participates in the committee for a higher education in the biological sciences, the committee for renewal of biology education and in The Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM). Through its network the NIBI produces recommendations for policymakers and society at large.
She also tries to inform and train professionals through organization are educational conferences, training is, career advice is workshops and congresses. She investigates the labour market with an aim on improving the connection between education and demands of the market.
The NIBI initiates innovative communication and educational projects and helps other parties to improve their communication and education.
Finally she is the publisher of BioNieuws, a journalistic, independent newspaper for the biosciences.