German Life Sciences Joined Forces
On May 31st 2007 the new umbrella organisation “VBIO – Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften und Biomedizin in Deutschland“, the German Life Sciences Association was founded in Cologne. Both major representatives of Bio and Life Sciences in Germany – the “Verband Deutscher Biologen und biowissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften” (vdbiol) and the “Verbund biowissenschaftlicher und biomedizinischer Gesellschaften” (vbbm) – joined forces.
The new VBIO – the central association for biology, biosciences and biomedicine in Germany, comprises about 5.000 individual members, more than 30.000 scienctists within the affiliated bioscientific societies and up to 80 companies and institutions. Thus, everyone in Germany who is involved in Bio and Life Sciences in schools, universities, industry, administration, research institutions or as a free-lancer can unite under one roof – VBIO. Members of VBIO represent the whole spectrum of Life Sciences from the molecular and the cellular, the organismic to the ecological level as well as biomedicine.
– VBIO will contribute to enhance the perspectives of Life Sciences as well as those of Life Scientists:
– VBIO will support the next generation of biologists in high schools and universities, providing information about exciting career paths, raising the interest to study biology and communicate the excitements of life sciences. VBIO will commit itself completely to solidify the status of biology within the curricula.
– VBIO represents all bio and life scientists and supports their social and economical acceptance and recognition.
– VBIO acts as contact organization to governmental institutions, providing expertise and advice. VBIO will also continuously monitor the relevant political scene and will pro-actively communicate statements on current affairs. VBIO will contribute to create the best conditions for the best scientists to stay in or come back to Germany. VBIO is dedicated to help avoid further “Brain Drain” in our country.
All founding members of VBIO are deeply convinced:
Having joint forces, we will be able to cope with the challenges of the present and the future. And we will succeed in placing our exciting profession as what it is: The Science of the 21th century. With excellent Bio Perspectives.
Let’s look ahead together. Join the VBIO!
In the Year 2000 the Association initiated, the internet career centre for Life Sciences in Central Europe. Over 120.000 visitors per month guarantee best feedback on job offers published on this platform. On October 11th 2007 “jobvector.careerday@biotechnica” takes place in Hannover and on April 4th 2008 “jobvector.careerday@analytica” in Munich. In case you want to be part of this career-events or you want to enter a job offer just contact us at
In parallel, VBIO is engaged in multifaceted educational reforms, which will be beneficial for the Biotechnology-Industry in the medium-term:
– During the reorganization of the training program for biological laboratory-assistants, VBIO had an advisory position.
– In the reformation of university education in Life Sciences, VBIO has markedly supported the introduction of Bachelor and Masters-courses, which may help students to respond rapidly and with flexibility to changing demands in the job market.
– As the demand for technical personnel is rising, VBIO is actively supporting the adaptation of industry standards and development in training-programs, using the network of biological laboratory assistant-schools (“BTA-Schulen”).
– The actual publication “Bilinguales Wörterbuch Biologie” (bilingual dictionary Biology) edited by Eckart Klein (Hannover), arose within 15 years with assistance of British teachers: Betty Brown (Durham, now London), Peggy Maycock (London) and Jane Marsh (Göttingen).
– VBIO -Database provides all German, Swiss and Austrian academic study courses within the lifesciences. With over 8,000 links the Biofirmen-Internet-Gateway BIG – database provides almost all bio-companies in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
The honorary Board (elections every 2 years) is supported by professional offices in Berlin and Munich with fulltime managers.
Regional branches of VBIO are established in the federal states of Germany. More information on
Biology is a non-chambered “free profession” in Germany. Instead of beeing represented by a chamber, German biologists are represented by associations.
BDBiol (often called “”) is the national Professional Association of German Biologists.
The majority of the members of BDBiol are self-employed and are working alone or in small partnerships. But BDBiol represents also employed Biologists.
BDBiol acts on behalf of its members, represents the members in German associations (e. g. organizations like: BFB – Federal Assoc. of Free Professions, VFB – Bavarian Assoc. of Free Professions, etc), economic organizations (e.g. Environment Committee of the VBW – Assoc. of the Bavarian Economy) and political bodies.
BDBiol also presents the members and their offices to the public via Internet.
BDBiol`s members are, among other things, involved in the following fields of activity:
- Environmental impact assessment
- Landscape Planning
- Nature Conservation
- Global Change / Climate Change
- Ecosystem-Monitoring
- Biodiversity Management
- Chemical and Biological Analyses
- Renaturation and Environmental Rehabilitation
- Flora-Fauna-Habitat Directive / Natura 2000
- Water Framework Directive
- Bio-Renewables and Renewable energies, bio-fuels, bio-gas, etc.
- Geografical Information Systems
- Scientific Journalism
- education and training
In most of these fields of work, it is recommendable to involve biological experts and their knowledge at an early planning-stage, because a lot of by-laws require high quality biological and environmental data.
Members of BDBiol are leading efficient, frequently interdisciplinary-staffed offices and/or laboratories and are able to successfully handle large and integrated or interdisciplinary projects.
Contracting entities are public authorities, as well as private organisations, companies or associations.
BDBiol communicates with all members via email and on internet plattforms (e.g. XING-Biologen in Deutschland).
BDBiol works together with a variety of organisations such as:
- BFB – Bundesverband Freier Berufe, VFB – Verband Freier Berufe in Bayern
- BBN – Bundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz
Steering Commitee:
- Pres.: Christof Martin, Kiel (
- VPres.: Frieder Hofmann, Bremen (
- VPres.: Peter Niesslbeck, München (
- Treasurer: Rolf Heimann, Düsseldorf (
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