ECBA Council Meeting 2015 in Graz (Austria)
Registration is now open – ECBA Council Meeting 11.-13.09.2015 in Graz, Austria
We are pleased to announce that the next ECBA-Council Meeting will take place from 11.-13.09.2015 in Graz, Austria.
ECBA was – besides some actions in Brussels- less active in the past 2 years. This is going to change and ECBA will take up its two main activities again: the branch/research specific representation and the representation of biology and biologists. The first role is well established, the second role is absent at an EU level.
We encourage the national biologists Associations of Europe to take part at this meeting.
The meeting consists of three main parts:
Friday: 11.09.2015 Arrival of ECBA-Delegates, a small event is planned for the evening
Saturday: 12.09.2015 ECBA Council Meeting 09:00-18:00; 19:30 Gala Dinner
Sunday: 13.09.2015 Conference – Biology in Europe 09:00-16:00
The small conference on Sunday gives Austrian biologists and students a chance to meet international biologists. The main themes that will be covered are: Career-Situation for Biologists in Europe, the new Biology, EurProBiol … for more information see: (currently there is only a German version available, please use this web-tool for translation
We are looking forward to meeting you in Graz!
If you need any further information, please contact Dominique Waddoup, the Austrian ECBA representative – Dominique.waddoup(at)