Biology in Europe
Biology in Europe
Biology in Europe is a is a living science, a continuum from classic academic science to being a modern science with deep understanding of living systems which has become a cornerstone for a prosperous future. Drawing on a biological parallel, biology started as a small and unimportant species but has now evolved in a large and well ramified genus. The implication of this is that all biologists will have to adapt accordingly. They have a central position in the development of a sustainable society. So they have to progress all aspects of biology, old and newly discovered, including traditional, established and newly established biological disciplines, in a balanced fashion.
The ECBA will communicate to Europe and its biologists of this position by creating a vision of how it sees Biology in Europe.
We aim to communicate modern biology in a clear and readily comprehensible manner at all levels to end users in industry, politics and academia as well as to the general public.
Examples of “modern biology”:
Wikipedia What is Biology
Vision for UK research Council for Science and Technology (2010). March 2010 © Crown Copyright URN10/584
Partners in the polder: A vision for the life sciences in the Netherlands. Task Force Life Sciences 2009, ISBN 9-789-08073577-4, 266 pp. (PDF)
A New Biology for the 21st Century: Ensuring the United States Leads the Coming Biology Revolution. National Research Council 2009, ISBN 0-309-14489-2, 120 pp. (PDF)
Biotechnology in Germany “Network for European Biotechnology Education” a report from VBIO Germany (PDF)