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In 1952, teachers of biology had founded the National Association of Biology Teachers Belgium (ANPBB). Its objectives were already to join biology teachers, to help them teach better and to improve their training.
In 1958, in the wake of the Brussels World Fair, the young Association organized a congress of European biology teachers. Then came the Golden Sixties. In Belgium, we witnessed an upsurge of communal tensions. The time for national associations were counted …
At the end of 1977, the federal trends brought the dissolution of the ANPBB. From its ashes arose two new combinations, PROBIO for Francophones and Germanophones – boosted by the dynamism of Albert Bouillon – the VOB to the Flemings. The relationship became less frequent for some years, then resumed in the late 1980s.
In 1989, PROBIO organized 31 years after its predecessor, a European Congress of biology teachers.
In 2001, PROBIO and VOB set up, together, the first International Biology Olympiad 3rd millennium!
And in 2002, the same two partners have celebrated their 25 years together, while welcoming the national association they are from.
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Vereniging voor het onderwijs in de biologie, de milieuleer en de gezondheidseducatie

The VOB – unifies more than 1 000 teachers teaching biology and ecology of all networks speaking Dutch in Belgium and it aims:
- the study of biology, the learning environment and promote health education and open to everyone;
- the professional interests of the biology teachers to represent to act as a communication channel between the working members, the Community Inspection,
- the educational support services, the Ministry of the Flemish Community (Department of Education) and other bodies involved in biology education.