Council and Steering Committee
The highest ruling body is the Council, formed by delegates from the member associations. The Council meets once a year to discuss policies, activities and to elect officers to the committees and commissions. The steering committee is being formed by three officers each from a different member associations and for a period of two years with a possibility of being re-electable once.
Present Steering Committee:
President: Harm Jaap Smit (NIBI)
Treasurer: Peter Niesslbeck (VBIO)
Secretary: Dominique Waddoup (ABA)
Vice President Clinical Biology: Corrado Marino (ONB)
ECBA has one committee working apart from its steering committee, the EurProBiol Registration Committee, responsible for granting the pan-European title “EurProBiol” to individual members of the national biologists associations forming ECBA. It is also charged with developing the title and services to the EurProBiologists.